Canegrowers has formally expressed its concerns to Europe over a recent export that exceeds its WTO quota.

Canegrowers chief executive Ian Ballantyne met with European sugar industry and government representatives in Brussels last week where he addressed Europe’s recent export of 500,000 tonnes more than its WTO approved quota of 1.35 million tonnes.

The decision to exceed authorised tonnage by the subsidised European producers was driven by a peak in world market prices and has become a matter of focus for particularly Australia, Brazil and Thailand.

Mr Ballantyne met with Ambassador to Europe, Dr Brendan Nelson, to discuss the issue.

“It was an opportune time to ensure Dr Nelson was up to speed on the European sugar export issue, and I informed him of the conversations held between affected countries thus far,” Mr Ballantyne said. “Dr Nelson is well over the issue.”

While in Brussels, Mr Ballantyne also presented a paper to delegates at the FO Licht World Sugar Conference on the outlook for the Australian sugarcane industry.

“Europe is the heartland of government regulation. The level of government intervention and subsidies within the sugar industry continues to be high despite continuing efforts to reform,” said Mr Ballantyne.

“I spoke to delegates about the steps Australia’s sugar industry has taken to restructure and the industry’s adoption of full deregulation.”

Mr Ballantyne also met with the Confederation of European Beet Growers (CIBE) to discuss a range of issues and the export review and met with sugar trading representatives in London to discuss the market outlook and sugar pricing.

Back in Brisbane this week, Mr Ballantyne said one of the important issues on the boil includes a likely confirmation of Bright Food Group’s formal offer for Sucrogen (sugar division of CSR).

Canegrowers has participated in discussions with Bright Food, CSR and the Foreign Investment Review Board in recent weeks in regards to the anticipated announcement.



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