VICTORIAS CITY -- Representative-elect Alfredo Abelardo Benitez (Neg. Occ., 3rd District) yesterday said he will push for the retooling of the sugar industry, especially to maximize utilization of sugarcane by-products as an alternative source of energy.

Benitez outlined the top priorities in his legislative agenda in his inaugural speech at the Victorias Coliseum here after he took his oath as congressman before Judge Felipe Banzon of the Regional Trial Court of Silay City.

Benitez told the media he will work on convincing sugar mill owners to go into co-generation of power, to help mitigate the current power shortage hitting Negros Occidental.

Only 10 percent of sugarcane is used for sugar, while 90 percent of it is thrown away as waste, Benitez said. We need to maximize the use of this waste called bagasse to power boilers to produce more renewable energy, he said.

It is a government policy to subsidize renewable energy with a price set at P9.50 per kilowatt hour, which would give sugar mills sufficient profit, he said.

Benitez, in his speech, said “as a businessman and entrepreneur, I have long espoused for the good use of new knowledge, new technology and continuous improvement by thinking outside of the box.”

He said among his other top priorities in his legislative agenda is to work on bills that will enhance health and medical care through universal health cards, introduce mass scale education outreach programs and cyber-education, establish a retirement estate and spur economic programs to further revitalize the economy in the third district.

Benitez also said he will launch and support initiatives to address the critical issue of power and water supply, and re-invent micro-financing programs for community-based ventures with strong marketing support for enterprise development.

He thanked the people of the third district for giving him an overwhelming mandate, and promised to serve them with integrity and accountability and commitment to service.

Governor-elect Alfredo Marañon Jr. described Benitez as a rising star in Negros politics.

Also present at Benitez inauguration was Former Governor Daniel Lacson Jr., other provincial officials and mayors of Negros Occidental.

Meanwhile, Benitez said there are moves in the House to postpone the barangay elections for a year, which he supports.

He also said jai alai should not be allowed in the third district as there is no legal framework for its operations.*CPG

source: visayandailystar


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