NOBODY can dispute the importance of industrialisation. However, if industrialisation has to come at the cost of our environment then we need to revisit the path to achieving it.

Sugar production should be targeted in the industrialisation programmes of Uganda because if well planned, it has enormous potential for job creation. But as we pursue expanding this industry we should not give away forests like Mabira.

Sugar is consumed by a large part of the population and is used in food industries like bread, cakes and biscuits. Beverages and brewing industries also use large quantities of sugar.

In addition, sugar by-products like molasses can be used as animal feed, for waragi distillation and in building. Also the opening up of new markets in Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Southern Sudan have created a huge demand for sugar, pushing the sugar prices through the roof.

But how can the sugar industry be organised so that the benefits of this increased demand trickle down to the majority of Ugandans? In my opinion, setting up mini sugar factories in various locations around the country would be more beneficial than giving support to the already established sugar monopolies.

lSmall sugar factories would have the following advantages: Spread economic power to more people instead of concentrating it in the hands of a few. lThey would require less capital investment and are affordable even to the poor.

Local skills and indigenous engineering capabilities would be developed since most equipment can be fabricated locally. lIt would help to increase the number of small-scale industries.

It would encourage capabilities

It would lead to agricultural diversification and there would be no land disputes since it does not involve displacement of populations.

Many ordinary people in rural areas would benefit either by working in these sugar plants or by supplying sugarcane as outgrowers.

The increased sugar production will alleviate sugar shortage and stabilise prices... the list can go on and on.

Wthout any doubt, mini sugar plants would help to get the population out of poverty.



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