President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al Bashir inaugurates today the White Nile Sugar Factory and a number of other related projects and industries.

Director of the White Nile Sugar Factory, Engineer Ali Al-Sayed explained that the sugar industry is a bridge to many industries and the basis for development in developing countries, pointing out that the said factory would be a source of food and energy, as well as for the production of sugar, as there will be lines for animal production, ethanol and generation of electricity.

He announced that the plant would generate 104 megawatts per hour of electricity, 50% will be consumed by the plant, residential city and irrigation systems, while the other 50% will be exported to the national electricity grid, along with the production of 170 thousand tons of Molasses that help to produce 50 million liters of pure ethanol.

Al-Sayed said that the plant would produce about one million tons of green fibers that packaged in bales for marketing as fodder for animals, adding that the liquid waste is recycled in order to preserve the environment and benefit from it in the forestry project in supporting of the green belt project in the area and provide material for construction.

source: sudanvisiondaily


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