Camagüey, Cuba, Apr 5 - Camaguey Sugar Company manager Vladimir Pérez García told the press that the sugarcane growers and industry workers of this Cuban central province will meet the production plans of sugar in April. He also said that, compared with this year, the production will grow by 60 percent in the next harvest.

With only four sugar mills functioning at present, Cuba’s largest province will make more than 140,000 metric tonnes of raw sugar, which means a massive savings of fuel oil, because biomass is burnt instead.

In addition, Camagüey sugar cane mills not guarantee the energy for the whole industrial process, but also generate and deliver over 9,228 MegaWatt/hour to the national power grid.

The workers of Argentina sugarcane mill stand out in the saving of energy for they made over 17 000 metric tonnes of sugar without burning hydrocarbon.

source: cadenagramonte


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