Below are five companies in the Packaged Foods & Meats industry that underperformed yesterday on a relative basis. This analysis was compiled based on yesterday's trading activity as we search for stocks that have could possible underperform its peers going forward.

Imperial Sugar (NASDAQ:IPSU) ranks first with a loss of 9.48%; Coffee Holding (AMEX:JVA) ranks second with a loss of 5.63%; and Hain Celestial (NASDAQ:HAIN) ranks third with a loss of 0.82%.

Sara Lee (NYSE:SLE) follows with a loss of 0.74% and Diamond Foods (NASDAQ:DMND) rounds out the bottom five with a loss of 0.55%.

Imperial Sugar Company refines and processes refined sugar through cane sugar refineries, molasses desugarization facilities, and beet sugar factories. The Company also operates packaging, ingredient, warehouse distribution and terminal facilities.


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