Minister of Agriculture, Dr Christopher Tufton, says the Jamaican government can no longer be expected to intervene in pricing disputes involving local sugar industry players.

Dr Tufton was speaking against the background of a dispute between cane farmers and manufacturers over the pricing of sugar
cane in Jamaica.

The stand-off ended this morning after both groups reached an agreement at a meeting at the Sugar Industry Association's offices in Kingston, Jamaica.

Dr Tufton says producers will have to get used to paying and accepting true market prices for their products.

Under the terms of the agreement reached this morning, cane farmers will receive an 18 per cent increase in the base first payment price per ton of sugar.

This means prices have been increased from $32,000 to 36,000 per ton of sugar.

The new prices will take effect immediately.

President of the All-Island Jamaica Cane Farmers Association, Alan Rickards, said he is hopeful that the pricing issues will be fully resolved when the commission of enquiry into the industry is complete.

source: go-jamaica


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