Cuba produced this year the first thousand tons of organic sugar for marketing, mostly in countries of Europe, North America and Japan, said a source of the industry in the central province of Villa Clara.

The product made in the second week of March is of excellent quality, which guarantees its demand in the international market, said the head of the Analysis Department in the Sugar Ministry of that territory, Felix Hernandez.

Consumer countries pay over $600 dollars for every ton of organic sugar, highlighted weekly Trabajadores, where Hernandez describes the complex process of manufacturing by the enterprise “Carlos BaliƱo” in Santo Domingo, municipality of Villa Clara.

“The process does not use any artificial component, the cleaning of the sugar factory is made with mechanical means and the cultivation of this sugar cane is without chemical fertilizers nor herbicides, in rigurously verified stages,” explained the expert.

Organic sugar is of a very light brownish color and is obtained through the application of a double-seed method, in which it is dissolved and crystallized again for its purification.

source: cubaheadlines


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