At one time, corn-based ethanol looked to be the most-promising alternative fuel.

Our nation, after all, produces plenty of corn. And until just a few months ago, corn ethanol seemed like it could one day be a suitable alternative to fossil fuels.

But when the price of corn went up and the price of gas went down, the thought of corn ethanol became much less attractive.

A convergence of circumstances meant that many of the companies banking on corn as the next major fuel source fell quickly on hard times.

But their loss could be Louisiana’s gain, if researchers and investors here have their way.

Because the sugar-cane ethanol process uses the byproduct of sugar production, it doesn’t affect the food supply the same way the corn process would.

Louisiana is uniquely suited to production of sugar cane, already one of our major industries. And we’ve already got ample access to pipelines and the Mississippi River for distributing the ultimate product.

“All of the technology is moving that way,” said Louisiana Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain. “With our sugar cane and our timber, Louisiana is at a competitive advantage.”

That is exciting news that could eventually lead to a cleaner fuel and one that is produced right here in Louisiana.

For the local area, an ethanol plant could mean another source of consumers of sugar cane, as well as jobs creating the fuel.

There is already a demonstration ethanol plant in Jennings, one that can show the potential for a fuel source that could be a great development for Louisiana and our region.

Clearly, any such movement would benefit our farmers, most of whom rely on sugar cane as the primary crop.

Even as they have struggled against imported sugar, which in large supply reduces the prices paid for their product, our local farmers have continued their jobs.

They have also faced the loss of many of the sugar plants and cooperatives that once bought their crops after harvest. That means they often must travel farther to sell their yield.

Welcome indeed is any good news that would affect them.

New jobs, too, are always a positive.

Even though we have very low unemployment levels, new jobs would attract more workers who would contribute to the local economy.

We already enjoy an incredibly productive relationship with the oil-and-gas industries, a relationship that for decades has provided the root of the local economy.

Jobs, tax money and real-estate development are just some of the good byproducts of the oil-and-gas industries.

To think that a product we already produce could contribute even more to our local economy is promising.

We hope the research being devoted to sugar-cane ethanol will continue. It seems to hold promise as an alternative fuel that would help our nation. And it is a potential industry that could be a boon for our region.



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