The New South Wales north coast sugar industry says it stands to lose jobs and land if the current Grafton bypass route goes ahead.

The proposed four-lane 70 kilometre bypass will cut through the Pillar Valley behind Grafton.

Australian Workers Union officials are worried about the loss of jobs if the road cuts through agricultural land.

The president of the Clarence Cane Growers Association, Vince Castle, says a meeting yesterday with the state's Roads Minister, the Roads and Traffic Authority and the union was productive.

"What has happened here with this decision yesterday is prime land along the river bank is not likely to be taken over, farmers will not have to leave their houses," he said.
"Now there will be impacts when a new route is looked at, but it will be on the more marginal land so what we've done here is swapped the route.

"We're keeping our good land and the new Pacific Highway upgrade will be on the marginal land."


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